New Garden of the Gods Sign Explains the Mysteries of Climbing
A new sign at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs explains the mysteries of rock climbing to the park's millions of annual visitors.

Remembering Mark Hesse: Climber and Trailbuilder
I've been thinking about my friend Mark Hesse, a long-time Colorado climber, who passed away after a freak fall and accident at the...

What is the Oldest Photo of the Garden of the Gods?
I’ve been working on a modern version of a book about Colorado that was published in 1877 (more to come of that at a future date), so...

Rock Climbing Questions from Tourists at the Garden of the Gods
Tourists watch climbers on White Twin Spire in The Gateway at the Garden of the Gods on a busy summer afternoon. Photo @ Stewart M. Green...

Climbing in the 1970s: Winter Days at the Garden of the Gods
I was thinking this morning about climbing in the 1970s. A couple days ago I was talking with my friend and climbing partner Brian Shelton a

Garden of the Gods with a New View: Gazette Newpaper Article
Here's an article by Seth Boster that appears in this morning's Gazette newspaper about climbing at the Garden of the Gods, one of m

Ed Webster: Desert Travels with Climbing Buddy
Ed Webster--climber extraordinaire, Everest mountaineer, and prolific first ascensionist--was out here in Colorado from his Maine homestead

Learning to climb at the Garden of the Gods
I learned to climb on the soft sandstone at the Garden of the Gods, a city park on the west side of Colorado Springs. The first route I ever

Replacing Climbing Anchors at Garden of the Gods: KOAA-TV News Story
Matt Pritchard, one of the sports anchors on KOAA-TV, went out to the Garden of the Gods the other day with Brian Shelton, Patrick Betts, Wi