NEW BOOK RELEASE: Best Climbs Moab 2nd Edition
I'm happy to announce that the new 2nd edition of my book BEST CLIMBS MOAB was released by FalconGuiides at the beginning of April and i

The Moab Mastodon: Did the Big Beast Once Roam Utah?
The Moab Mastodon, a petroglyph on on a cliff band 300 feet above Hys Bottom on the Colorado River north of Moab, Utah, possibly represents

Eric Bjornstad and the First Ascent of Moses near Moab
I first met Eric Bjørnstad in late March, 1973. It was spring break and I sped over with Kurt Rasmussen to meet up with Jim Dunn and Douglas

Teeing up the Devil's Golfball
Another great day out in the sandstone canyon country surrounding Moab, Utah. Sometimes it feels like the center of the universe, the red ce

Pictographs at Sego Canyon: Whispered Stories from the Old Ones
The Sego Canyon pictograph panel, five miles from I-70 and Thompson Springs in east-central utah, depicts the strange visions of ancient abo