The Black Canyon: Colorado's Deepest Gorge
One of my favorite places is the Black Canyon of the Gunnison in western Colorado. It's a forbidding, elemental place of raw nature, a...

Pasqueflowers: Harbinger of Colorado Spring
With the advent of April, spring hardly seems to have settled in for the season. Wind whips out of the mountains with the warming days...

Remembering Mark Hesse: Climber and Trailbuilder
I've been thinking about my friend Mark Hesse, a long-time Colorado climber, who passed away after a freak fall and accident at the...

Penitente Canyon: Magic and Mystery in Southern Colorado
Penitente Canyon, on the western edge of the San Luis Valley, a Connecticut-sized basin in southern Colorado, has long been a sacred...

Give the Gift of Books This Year: Check Out My New Adventure Books
Once again, it’s the annual holiday season, the giving time of the year. Most of us are trying to figure out what kind of gifts to give...

Renaming Mount Evans: Thoughts on the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864
A few days ago, a formal petition was filed by the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes and The Wilderness Society with the Board...

Coolest Colorado Building: US Olympic & Paralympic Museum
Colorado Springs, home of the big box building, is now home to one of the coolest new buildings in the United...

Hiking Up Pulpit Rock in Colorado Springs
During this year of pandemic, sorrow, upheaval, and isolation, I've been getting out every day to hike local trails and climb...

John Gill: The Master of Rock Speaks
The other day I ferreted out my article notes from a detailed interview I did with John Gill, who was 41 years old at the time, in July...

The Hills were Alive with the Sound of Music: Photo of the Da Vinci Quartet in 1982
This is a photograph that I shot of the Da Vinci Quartet in late October 1982 for the cover of a local magazine in Colorado Springs...