New Garden of the Gods Sign Explains the Mysteries of Climbing
A new sign at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs explains the mysteries of rock climbing to the park's millions of annual visitors.
Pasqueflowers: Harbinger of Colorado Spring
With the advent of April, spring hardly seems to have settled in for the season. Wind whips out of the mountains with the warming days...
Coolest Colorado Building: US Olympic & Paralympic Museum
Colorado Springs, home of the big box building, is now home to one of the coolest new buildings in the United...
Hiking Up Pulpit Rock in Colorado Springs
During this year of pandemic, sorrow, upheaval, and isolation, I've been getting out every day to hike local trails and climb...
The Hills were Alive with the Sound of Music: Photo of the Da Vinci Quartet in 1982
This is a photograph that I shot of the Da Vinci Quartet in late October 1982 for the cover of a local magazine in Colorado Springs...
NEW RELEASE! Best Hikes Colorado Springs is on the Shelf
Today, November 2, marks the official release of the new 2nd edition of my book BEST HIKES COLORADO SPRINGS! It's a gorgeous...
Journalism Gives a View into Other Lives Like Rancher Tom Lasater
've spent most of my adult life telling stories with words and images, except for a few misspent years hauling bricks, mixing mortar...
1876 & 2005: Helen Hunt Jackson and I Name The Whale in Red Rock Canyon
Red Rock Canyon Open Space, a 1,474-acre open space parkland on the western edge of Colorado Springs, opened to the public in November...
What is the Oldest Photo of the Garden of the Gods?
I’ve been working on a modern version of a book about Colorado that was published in 1877 (more to come of that at a future date), so...
Little Church on the Colorado Prairie
Two historic Orthodox churches rise from the shortgrass prairie in eastern Colorado five miles north of Calhan. The humble churches...