Discovery of Supercrack in 1971
Here are a couple paragraphs excerpted from "The Perfect Crack: The First Ascent of Supercrack," a chapter from a book I'm wor

Ed Webster: Desert Travels with Climbing Buddy
Ed Webster--climber extraordinaire, Everest mountaineer, and prolific first ascensionist--was out here in Colorado from his Maine homestead

1971: First Ascent of Castleton Tower's West Face
In late November 1971, I made the first ascent of the West Face of Castleton Tower near Moab with Jimmie Dunn and Billy Westbay. We had alre

Dateline 1911: John Otto Climbs Independence Monument
John Otto, a crazy redneck cowboy, trailbuilder, and general pain in the neck to local politicians and newspapers, did the first ascent of t

Dateline 1927: Stettner Brothers Climb Hardest Route in America
On Saturday, September 23, 1927, Joe Stettner (1901-1997) and Paul Stettner (1906-1994), two German immigrant brothers from Chicago, Illinoi

Climbing in the Black Canyon with Layton Kor
I'm in the barren wilds of western Arizona hanging out with the great 1960s American climber Layton Kor. Layton, along with Royal Robbin

John Gill and the Zen of Bouldering
Here's a photo I took in late April, 2005 of John Gill, former mathematics professor at the University of Southern Colorado and one of t

Eric Bjornstad and the First Ascent of Moses near Moab
I first met Eric Bjørnstad in late March, 1973. It was spring break and I sped over with Kurt Rasmussen to meet up with Jim Dunn and Douglas

Dateline 1930: Harry Standley Photographs Colorado Hikers
Here's a throwback photograph by Harry L. Standley, an early 20th-century photographer, of climbers sitting around a blazing campfire in

1982: Belgian Climber Jean Bourgeois Disappears on Mt. Everest
On December 30, 1982, the great Belgian mountaineer Jean Bourgeois, a 44-year-old climber, photographer, and explorer, fell off the north si